i d e a l o g u e

  a catalogue of ideas  

idea n.   exclamation & question


Why are we here?

You will notice that we cover a range of interests and ideas here.
Our current major topics are:

Web site hosting and associated tasks
  • Domain Name Registration, Management & Renewal
  • Website Design
  • Site Optimisation (SEO)
  • Website Management
  • Content Management Systems (CMS)
Computer networks
  • Network design, commissioning, maintenance & troubleshooting
  • Wired & wireless networks
  • Linux & Windows servers
  • Linux & Windows workstations
  • Recommendation
  • Installation
  • Training
  • Maintenance
  • Troubleshooting
Computer hardware
  • Recommendation
  • Supply
  • Training
  • Up-grading
  • Troubleshooting
Environmental issues
  • Inexpensive web-site hosting for small community based environmental groups
Social issues
  • Highlighting some pertinent social/societal issues
  • Food and Drink
  • Vehicles and transport options
  • Shops and Services
  • Web site hosting and associated tasks

    Do you need/want a web site?
    Do you know what to do to get a web site?
    Do you have any idea of what it will cost?
    Do you want/have your own domain name?
    Do you want your very own independent e-mail address(es)?
    Do you want to do business via the Internet?

    We handle all of this through our associate WWWeb (http://www.wwweb.com.au). Follow the link to check the available options and to contact WWWeb about your needs & desires and they will be very happy to get things working for you ASAP.

    Their plans are very reasonably priced and their service is second to none

  • Computer Networks

    If you are thinking of networking some computers to share files, printer(s) and/or an internet connection then we can help you.
    We concentrate on small to medium sized networks. From a couple to about 50 networked computers.
    We are happy to have a chat about your particular situation & requirements and what some of the options are that you may choose from. Generally speaking there are many ways to address the task of networking; covering network infrastructure, servers, operating systems, applications, availability, monitoring, security, backups etc...
    Contact us for ideas on what may be done with your new, or existing network.

  • Software

    Is the software you are using the best available for the tasks you wish/need to undertake?
    Will there be any benefit to you to up-grade your software?
    Are there any alternatives which would do the job better and/or cheaper?
    Is your software secure?
    Is your software legitimate?
    Do you know what happens over your Internet connection?
    How to really delete information
    How much of the power of your software do you use?
    We are able to provide training for many software packages.
    We can spring-clean your computer, removing old/unwanted software and, if required, install new.
    How often do you do a back-up?
    What would you do if your computer would not run?
    What would it cost to re-create your data?

  • Computer Hardware

    Need a new computer?
    Need an up-grade to your existing computer?
    If you computer is just not behaving as it should then we can assist you. We will diagnose what the issues are and recommend steps you may take to address these issues. We can also just go ahead and fix the mis-behaving computer for you and restore its performance.
    If you would like a hand in getting the best from your computer we are very happy to provide training as well, in any aspects of your computer's hardware.
    We will show you how to analytically choose the best computer for you and the tasks you have to undertake.

  • Environmental

    If you are a member of, or are forming an Ecological Group, we may be able to assist you.
    For small organisations who have an environment/ecological focus we are happy to let you have a spot on the World Wide Web for very little cost.
    This would be done through the auspices of The Ecological Group (http://www.ecologicalgroup.net/) and your group would have a web address like this: http://www.yourgroup.ecologicalgroup.net/
    We are also happy to provide some e-mail service for your group and give you a hand with web design if you want.
    Go to The Ecological Group web site, follow the 'contact us' link and let us know a bit about you, your group, what you are planning to do and how we can assist you.

  • Social / Societal

    We are a little undecided on the format for this area.
    It is intended to be thought provoking and oriented towards people, as opposed to corporations/institutions/governments.
    Some may find it educational, some my wish to respond to the items & links in this area, others may 'just not get it'.
    Our point is that we are all individuals and our response is our own.
    We do hope that there is something here that will be of interest.

  • Reviews

    This area is for reviews of, amongst other things; books, restaurants wine, spirits, food, shops, web services, vehicles and anything else that we find of interest.

This site constructed and maintained by i d e a l o g u e ©2007, 2008